Tag Archives: Tips and Tricks on Printer and Plotter Repair




I have been asked if I write a weekly newsletter and no I don’t. After reading all the requests I will be sending a newsletter out on a weekly basis. Expect to see the weekly newsletter in your inbox soon! Sign up here to receive your weekly newsletter. noreen@anounce.com

I will write an ebook based on the newsletters. I guess I just wonder who would be willing to pay for a book. Based on my opinions about New Printers, Used Printers, New and Used Plotters and everything concerning these machines. How do I connect my Printer or Plotter, what Printer or Plotter should I purchase for my Office or Home? There are a lot of questions that I could answer for you the public. Question, are you the public be willing to pay for it? Or would you like to see it in my monthly Newsletters?

Tell me what you want to read. Leave all comments below.  I want your feedback, send an email to noreen@anounce.com.

Let us learn and grow together in this ever-changing world of printers and plotters.

I will write an ebook based on all my weekly newsletters.


HP DesignJet Plotters

HP Design Jet Plotters

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I have fielded calls more regarding HP Design Jet Plotters than I ever have in the past 20 years. Since this, I thought I’d just write a bit about them, considering I have customers on a wait list for them.

The HP Design Jet Plotters seem to be the industry standard, although both Canon and Epson have excellent plotters available also.

The issue we seem to see regarding plotters is the lack of servicing.  If a plotter is serviced and maintained  over the course of its life it will last longer. So I guess what I am trying to say is preventative maintenance does work. Cleaning a plotter on a yearly basis will give more life to the belt and other moving parts. We offer this service and for a fee of approximately $140.00 (this includes taxes) your plotter can be inspected/serviced and cleaned.  Most clients tend to wait until they have an error code on the plotter and it quits in the middle of a job to call and have it repaired. For Tips and Tricks to keep your plotter running smoothly call one of our technicians at 250-474-1901.

We are located in the beautiful city of Victoria and offer plotter repair service for all of Vancouver Island.

  • When should a Plotter be serviced?

Anounce Printer works recommends that  your potter is serviced at least once a year.  Call and book your plotter cleaning at 250-474-1901.